


能谈谈亨利是我的荣幸. 亨利是独一无二的. Do you know anybody that could play all of the Legend of Zelda’s tunes on piano? 亨利也. 给我这个年龄段的人, 或者就此而言, any other age group-that has to be one of the coolest things anybody can do. 你知道有谁不用看琴键就能弹钢琴,因为她前面的头发长得几乎看不见前面吗? 亨利也. Do you know anybody that is a classically trained pianist, yet is open enough 和 driven enough to play in a rock b和? 亨利今年做的. You get where I am headed, she’s one of a kind person; a character; a Stevenson legend.

亨利 identifies as being a classically trained pianist, 和 she has the knowledge 和 musical chops to prove it. 然而,我认为亨利是一个摇滚明星. 当我定义一个摇滚明星, 我是说一个勇敢的人, 在他们所做的一切中给予他们的存在, 那安静吗?, 自信, 凉爽的因素. 亨利什么都有. I have seen 亨利’s courage in multiple contexts. In the classroom, when she goes against the popular opinion in the classroom. 在表演中,尤其是她在艺术表演中演唱的史诗歌曲. 任何在场的人都能证明看亨利演奏是多么感人和激动. Behind that is a whole lot of courage 和 hard work. 这让我想到了成为摇滚明星的第二个方面:亨利出色的职业道德和全身心投入工作的能力. 亨利 frequently states that she doesn’t believe in 人才, just in hard work. 她践行着这句谚语. 在我领导摇滚乐队的这些年里, I have never met a harder worker that pushes herself 和 others to be their best. 亨利倾尽全力, 我们在表演中见证了她投入的无数小时的工作. 谢谢你这么努力工作. Its beautiful witnessing the results of your labor. 亨利终于有了酷的一面. 这是披头士式的发型, 自信的凝视, 黑色的穿着, 她的讽刺, 和, 最终, 她的善良. 就我个人而言, 亨利在很多场合都走到我面前,问我她能帮上什么忙,并询问今年对我有影响的事情. 亨利是独一无二的, 和 I could probably continue this speech for a bit longer; however, 我有一定的时间. 亨利,谢谢你是独一无二的,祝贺你高中毕业. I wish you all the best at College next year, where that musical community will become aware of your rock star status.




这么说, 不过要自信地说出来, to say it with fervor–one must say it following contemplation. In that, I am reminded of the child who asked Walt Whitman, “What is the grass?”, 以及惠特曼的回应, 它向我们表明,对草的质疑,同时就是对令人难以忍受的显而易见和无穷无尽的神秘的质疑. So it is that, on the one h和, 罗茜是个毕业生. 她也更.

这是我在全球最大的博彩平台的第一年,但在罗西身上,我学得很快. I learned with, of, 和 from 罗西 as her advisor. I learned that on many days 罗西 felt challenge. 她感到不舒服。. She felt struggle, discomfort, uncertainty, 和 worry. 但罗西不是这样的人.

Amid them–amid all of them–罗西是毅力.
As 罗西 embarked on the fourth quarter’s final push, 她很有毅力.
当她到达最后一天的学生评估日,克服不适与老师见面, 她很有毅力.
在朋友和老师中间, 在曼哈顿的天空下, 和 beneath the Statue of Liberty’s steadfast gaze, 罗西’s commitment to camaraderie 和 embrace of life was perseverance in full.

With perseverance, 罗西 is a student, a friend, a learner, a joker, 和 a leader.
罗西 is the kinetic energy of kindness 和 the power of politeness.
看看这一切, 说这一切, is to know that 罗西 did much more than push herself, 因为在这个过程中, 她鼓舞了我,给了我一句永恒的咒语:当事情变得艰难时, 要像罗西一样坚强.

And, I am proud to say, that 罗西 is a Stevenson graduate.




凯利为她的老师写作. 她给朋友写信. 她写作并获奖. But most importantly, 凯利 writes for herself. 她写作是为了发光. 她写作是为了寻找出路.

凯利 was the only student to take Uncreative Writing for three years in a row. 在那段时间里,她以与课程名称截然相反的形象示人.

在那堂课上,凯利无所畏惧. 她总是愿意跳出自己的舒适区去工作,不管工作的要求多么不合常规. 她强迫自己. She fearlessly shared her work 和 offered thoughtful, constructive comments to her peers during critiques. 她是一个完美的小组成员, quick to make others feel comfortable; hers was a galvanizing, 鼓舞人心的存在.

No writer can hold to be anything if they don’t consume as much as they produce. 在我们一起工作的时间里,我了解到凯利是一个热心而有能力的读者. 她能够从复杂的文本中梳理出细微的差别,她经常领导课堂讨论. 在去年秋天的一节课上,约翰逊和拉科夫的开创性著作《全球最大的博彩平台》中的概念隐喻,” 凯利 was one of the first in the class to grasp 和 explain key concepts.

凯利可以非常直言不讳. She can be steadfastly committed to her beliefs. She can 自信ly question the reasoning behind a voice of reason. 凯利还能识别联系,同情共同的挣扎,并指导她的年轻同龄人. 凯利 can do all of this while peppering each comment with relevant literary, 政治, 和 pop culture references that exhibit an awareness beyond her years.

这一切都意味着,在这位英语老师和千里之外的一位英语老师的眼中, 凯利 is ready to take it to another level. 我们真的为她感到兴奋. 写在.



I have the honor of speaking about 亚伦 today.

From the start, I could tell that 亚伦 is one who embodies kind-heartedness. 他温和的举止, 他的敏感性, his caring nature – you know it’s sincere, 这是发自内心的. 在高级准备日, 他带来了美味的草莓蛋糕, 写着信息, “祝你好运, 老年人.” This is not a surprising gesture, but a typical one for 亚伦. He is a giving person, 和 he doesn’t expect anything in return. 亚伦, 给那些可能忘了说的人, “谢谢”, 现在让我感谢你——感谢你是一个多愁善感、善解人意的人. Remind yourself of such strengths, as they will carry you far. 我知道你提到过全球最大的博彩平台是你的家,你会想念它的,但正如你所说的, you are ready to move onto the next phase of life, 和 you know that you can always visit home.



拉里萨, I’m about to let you in on a teacher secret. 每当我们谈论我们的学生, 你的名字出现了, 总有人会说你“酷”.“就像《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》里的克利奥帕特拉或者《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》里的洛蒂那样酷, 但从某种意义上说,你有一种完全属于你自己的风格,对艺术、文学和音乐有一种特殊的、个人的兴趣, yet you’re happy to share with everyone around you.

Throughout the time I’ve known 和 taught you, 我一直都知道,我可以指望你对任何话题的看法都与我预期的不同, 使课堂讨论更有趣, 并在课外展开对话,话题从社会正义到当代漫画再到90年代的电视节目. 你的同情心, 创造力, 人才, 和 deep knowledge always shine through in unexpected ways in everything you do. 我知道不管你接下来做什么, 你会以一种完全属于拉里萨的方式去做,你会找到一种方式,让自己周围的人都欣赏这种拉里萨风格. 你会有很多冒险经历,而且它们将完全按照你自己的风格进行.

布莱恩·K. Vaughn wrote, “Every relationship is an education. 我们心中欢迎的每一个新人都是一个机会,让我们变得与过去完全不同.” Thank you for letting me be a part of your education. 你绝对帮助了我成长为一个人和一个老师,我希望我也为你做了同样的事情. I am so excited to see what you choose to do next, because I know the path your life follows may not be traditional, 但它会把你带到有趣的地方,任何加入你这段旅程的人都会因此成为一个更好的人.




每当我经过大卫身边,或者离他不到15英尺的时候,他都会对我说这些话. 你必须亲自去听,才能体会到他说这些话时所蕴含的温暖. The comforting inflection is identical every time 和 is still always genuine. His gregarious nature immediately puts you at ease; 大卫 is completely pure of heart, 真实的, 和真诚. 他有一定程度的自知之明, 元认知, 坦率,这在任何人身上都很少见, let alone someone who’s not yet been eligible to vote in a presidential election..

大卫也很坚定. 大卫 is an autodidact in a way that makes me jealous. 每当我看到大卫,我就知道他很有可能会和我分享他最近的项目——也许是一个绒毛盒, 也许是前置放大器, 这面具. 也许是桁架杆的盖子. He learned how to do all of these on his own. Yet they pale in comparison to what came next. 吉他. 大卫 designed, shaped, 和 constructed a solid body guitar. 他用手把它连接起来,并对电路进行了一些修改,以产生大量不同的音调. 他自己把脖子雕刻得很精确. 让我告诉你,它很有用. 大卫从个人的苦难中汲取灵感,并用它来推动令人难以置信的创造性追求, 并将它们塑造成美丽而实用的艺术品,毫无疑问,这些艺术品将被用来创作音乐,供他周围的人欣赏几十年.

在全球最大的博彩平台工作最有意义的事情之一不仅仅是我们希望对学生产生的影响, but the profound impact that they can have on us. This year I was secretly able to live vicariously through 大卫. He’s rekindled a goal I’d set aside since I was in high school. 我没有足够的精神力量或耐力去相信我可以独自完成这件事, so I never got past researching parts 和 gradually let it go. 大卫独自完成了这件事. Perhaps he’ll be willing to help me with one of my own.

To help him along the way, I hope that this will provide some inspiration.

除了大卫的平易近人, 认真, 还有不可思议的修补技巧, he also possess an unwavering veracity that has made him a stellar student. This is particularly true in the sciences, 他的好奇心, 良好的逻辑, 以及对事物运行方式的探究的渴望已经带来了一些巨大的成就. 为了纪念他们, 我很高兴向大卫颁发今年的杰出科学成就奖. 祝贺你!

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